In this article you will learn how to import existing subtitles in case you're using Limecraft to translate subtitles or to render subtitles.

1. Open the subtitle editor.

2. Indicate the primary language of the existing subtitles.

3. Select "OPEN an existing SRT/STL subtitle file".

4. Select a Subtitle Preset that you want to use (optional). This will define the styling and timing rules for your subtitles. 

5. Click 'Open SRT/STL', to select your subtitle file. 

Start time code of the subtitle file needs to be 00:00:00 or none. Limecraft assumes it to be zero and if the video has another start time code, the difference is automatically added on the subtitle file. 

Text and time codes are supported. Other markup such as color or position are not supported, but these can be configured with the help of subtitle presets.