The use of Limecraft is governed by a volume-based subscription fee. Managed Media refers to the volume of audio and video in your workspace. This article explains in detail how Managed Media is measured.

Managed Media refers to the volumes of audiovisual material which you are allowed to use resp. you are actually using on the Limecraft platform. Managed Media is measured by duration (time) and visualised in hours. Managed Media are not measured in storage units or GB. Depending on your Limecraft subscription, you have access to a pre-configured volume of Managed Media, and overages may be allowed up to a pre-configured maximum. 

Managed Media represents the volume of audiovisual media managed by Limecraft, measured as duration. Your subscription fee includes a certain volume of allowed Managed Media (e.g. the Pro plan includes a volume up to 25 hours of Managed Media). 

The actually used volume of Managed Media displayed in the Usage & Billing section is the maximum measured in a given billing cycle. 

How does it work?

  • Depending on your subscription, you have access to given quotum Managed Media.
  • If you need a higher volume than what you have currently access to, it is possible to increase the limit. Overage will be charged at a fee per hour of managed media. The fee per hour depends on your subscription plan.
  • Limecraft monitors the volumes during the billing period. For a given billing period, we use the maximum value for billing and invoicing.
  • The total usage shows the maximum value of Managed Media used in a given billing period. 
  • At the end of a billing cycle the counters reset.
  • The Account owner receives an automatic email when the limit is 90% reached. 

How can you check the allowed and actually used Managed Media?

You can monitor the usage of Managed Media in the usage section of the Account settings. Note that account admin access is required.

Picture showing the Limecraft component Managed Media.

Green bar shows you the volume that is included, blue bar the total usage, and the grey bar the maximum volume that is allowed. 

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