Custom statuses allow to create customised views of the material in your Limecraft Workspaces. This is increasingly important in case you are dealing with large volumes of content. Custom statuses allow you to visualize and filter the content in a way that’s most relevant to your needs.  


How to Create a Custom Status Field?

In order to create and manage custom statuses, you need to have workspace admin privileges in order to access the relevant sections in the workspace settings. 

Go to Workspace Settings > Metadata > Clip Metadata and click 'Add Field', and select 'Create a new custom status'.

Limecraft screenshot illustrating how to create a new custom status.

Fill out the configuration for your custom status.

Picture showing the configuration for a new custom status.

LabelGive your custom status a name.
GroupOptional. Use group if you want to group several custom statuses together.
FilterAdd your filter. This can be any of the metadata fields (for example, Transcription status, tag etc.)
Visualization - matchAdd an icon and/or a color to visualize when the conditions are met.
Visualization - no matchAdd an icon and/or a color when the conditions are not met.

After clicking 'Create', new custom status is listed as part of the clip metadata fields. 

Picture showing new custom status in a list.

How to Manage the Visual Appearance of a Custom Status Field?

Let's look at how to make use of custom statuses with the help of an example. In this case, by creating a custom status field 'Embargo' for surfacing and searching for embargoed material.

To do so, give the custom status field a name ('Embargo'), specify the matching filters, and indicate icons, colours and text labels to specific field values. Optionally, you can specify the metadata group the custom status field belongs to.

Limecraft screenshot detail illustrating how to manage the appearance of a custom status field

Making sure the Custom Status Field is visualised in the List View of the Library

To make sure the custom status field is visible in the list view, please make sure the field is included in the displayed columns.

Limecraft screenshot illustrating how you can make sure a custom status field is visualised in the list view of the library.