The Edge settings allow you to configure Limecraft Edge to your tastes.

The last of the production settings are the Edge settings, which we will discuss in detail below.

Note that after you save a setting, you might want to pull the latest setting in our Edge installation. You can do this by going to your System settings in Edge and clicking the ‘pull settings now’ button. 

1. Edge project

Edge parses audio recorder scene metadata to populate fields of audio and synced video. For the parsing to work, the values need to follow a fixed pattern. 

By default, Edge expects to find an episode, scene and shot with a separator character in between. Some other options are available to parse the audio recorder metadata, but for most cases the top two options should suffice. Obviously, sticking to the same pattern when setting metadata on the audio recorder is very important for this to work.  

Project Framerate

As seen in the screenshot below, you can pick the project framerate. The framerate you choose will be used as the default when transcoding audio and will have an influence on the timecodes that are produced. 

Note that you might not need this setting as this influences audio only!  

Audio Metadata Processing

Determine how the audio recorder scene metadata is presented.

Avid Tapename

By default, Edge uses the embedded reel name to fill in Avid's Tapename column. If you want to use the filename instead, you can tick the box(es) below.

Skip checksum verification

If you want to skip the checksum verification when writing backups with Edge, you can tick the box below. The user can still enable checksum verification in Edge, but the default will be to do no verification. 

We do not advise ticking this box. 

2. Media encoder

As seen in the screenshot below, you can also pick the project framerate. The framerate you choose will be used as the default when transcoding audio and will have an influence on the timecodes that are produced. 

Note that you might not need this setting as this influences audio only!  

The transcode profiles define the output format(s) that are used. There are a few profiles available, but you can also make your own by clicking the green "Add profile" button. 

3. Look-up tables

A Look-up table (or LUT) is a digital file that transforms the colour and tone of your image. It can convert colours and details in a source file to a new destination state.  

When you want to add a LUT, simply click the green "Add LUT" button. The pop-up will ask you to select a LUT file, label it and pick the input and output range. The LUTs you add here will be available when transcoding media in Edge. 

When you start an ingest job and there is no LUT chosen, Edge will pick one based on the input format. You can configure which one should be used in the section below.

Lastly, you can choose which output format to use a LUT for. 

4. Edge ingest

The following settings are specific to ingesting in Edge. You can for example make the job run faster by not using thumbnails on your clips. To do that, just tick off the box below.

Oftentimes, all ingest jobs in the same production will use the same settings. That’s where Destination Templates come in. You can configure the destination (Flow, disk, ..) and transcode settings once, save it as a template, and then use that template in Edge to start your jobs. This minimises the chance of human errors.

Click ‘Add Template’ to create a new template. Give the template a name and fill in the destinations like you would when creating a new Ingest job in Edge.

If you want to use this template by default in Edge (without having to explicitly select it), tick the first check box ‘Use this template as the default destinations’. 

If you want to force the users to use this template, tick the second box ‘Force these destinations’.

But what if you want to write to a physical disk instead of to Flow? To do this, you’ll need to set up a ‘Volume Placeholder’ representing the physical disk. This placeholder can then be selected in the destination of the template. To add a Volume Placeholder, click ‘Add Placeholder’ and add a label. When using the template for the first time in Edge, it will ask to resolve the Volume Placeholder to a physical disk attached to the machine Edge is running on.

By default, you will see all available transcode profiles during ingest. If you don't need a few of these, you can uncheck them below. 

5. Edge metadata 

Lastly, you can organise your media through the below path. This path will organise your media in both the Edge library and in Limecraft Flow. You can read more about the path in the article Structuring media using a path