Limecraft Edge allows you to securely offload camera card media onto external drives. This allows the production crew to reuse the camera cards, once the offload process is complete and the media are verified on the external drives. The backup drives can be used directly for the post production or for ingesting the media into Limecraft Flow. This allows to effortlessly locate the media throughout the production process.

This article explains how to backup material with Edge. 

Before you begin


Before starting a backup job, ensure that the backup volumes are configured as discussed in this article. 

Note: If no backup volumes have been configured, you can only backup to the local drives. 

Select Source Material

In the tab IMPORT & BACKUP select one or more sources (volumes/folders) to backup and click continue. 

NOTE: In many cases there is only one source as camera cards are offloaded one by one. 

Select Destination

Next step allows you to select one or more destinations to backup the media. 

You also have the option to continue without backup by clicking 'Continue without backup'. 

The checkbox 'calculate a checksum' will calculate a checksum to save data on this clip in the Edge library. 

If you do want to proceed with the backup, select the destinaction from the dropdown list and click continue. 

NOTE: If backup volumes were configured in the Edge Settings, those will appear automatically in the dropdown list in Edge when selecting Backup Destination. 

Backup is done in parallel to all destinations with md5 verification by default. It is not recommended to skip md5 verification. 

Clip Detection

If the source contains several clips, an analysis of the clips and their types is shown.

This gives the possibility to deselect some file types, although this is not recommended. 

Metadata and Offload Path

The next step is to fill in metadata that will determine the file path on Edge and in the backup folder. This step ensures that the media is well structured and easy to navigate after the backup. 

NOTE: Please do not remove the 'Card name' from the path. It is essential for organising the media correctly. 

If the card name is not shown, write it in the field manually.

You can keep an eye on the preview of the file path in the lower part of the screen as shown below. 

NOTE: The path name is fully configurable in the Edge Settings on LImecraft Flow Workspace Settings. 

You have the option to use path part, which will suggest you metadata automatically based on the path of the source. This speeds up the process and makes it more error-proof.

Job Summary and Confirmation

The final step summarizes the job details and allows a final check before starting the backup job. 

Click 'Continue' to start the backup job.

You can follow the progress and get a report of the backup job on the page that follows.

A report is also written to the backup folder as a human readable manifest (PDF) as well as a machine readable json file for internal use of Edge.

Please do not remove the report files from the backup volume.