Managing permissions is a crucial aspect of any media management platform. The Limecraft platform allows you to manage permissions at both the account and workspace levels using default roles and custom roles. In other words, you can utilize predefined account and workspace roles or define an unlimited number of custom roles to suit your specific needs. 


Account Level Permissions

In the Users section of the Account Settings the first part of the page shows all current participants of an account. This overview shows the account members as well as members of workspaces under this account. Additionally, inactive users are shown greyed out. 

The account level default roles are listed below.

Account OwnerThere can only be one person with the role of an account owner.

  • Create new workspaces.
  • Manage account settings.
  • Invite users to the account and workspaces.
  • Admin access to all workspaces.

Only account owner has access to the Billing & Invoicing details of the account.

Only account owner is sent notifications when one of the usage components is getting close to the limit. 
Account Admin
  • Create new workspaces.
  • Manage account settings.
  • Invite users to the account and workspaces.
  • Admin access to all workspaces.
Create ProductionsIt is possible to give a user account level access to create new workspaces without other admin permissions.

This is how you manage the permissions on an account level, granted that you have the admin level permissions.

1. Go to the Users section and click 'Add User' in the upper right corner.

2. Select the permissions that you want to give and send the invitation.

Limecraft screenshot illustrating how to add users at an account level.

Limecraft screenshot illustrating how to set the permissions for an account level user.

The account owner is designated during account creation. If you need to change the account owner, please contact support for assistance

Workspace Level Permissions

The Team section of the workspace settings opens a page with an overview of the current team members and their permissions. Manage current accesses, invite new member or create new custom roles in this section. 

Manage Current Permissions

  • Edit permissions with the pen icon.
  • Remove the access with the cross.

With minimum workspace admin permissions, you can invite new members to the team. Workspace permissions are controlled through default and custom roles. Let’s take a closer look:

Default Workspace Roles

There are currently two default roles for workspace-level permissions: Production Administrator and Production Member.

Production Administrator
  • Managing Workspace Settings
  • Managing Workspace Team Members
  • Managing Media of the workspace
  • Making use of all the activated applications within the workspace.
Production Member 
  • Managing Media of the workspace
  • Making use of all the activated applications within the workspace.

Invite New Members to a Workspace

Provided that you have minimum workspace admin permission, this is how you invite new members to a workspace.

  • Go to the Team section of the Workspace Settings.
  • Click 'Invite' and follow the guidance of the dialogue window. 

The new member will receive an invitation to their mailbox. You can add a customised message in the dialogue window if you wish.

If the existing workspace permissions do not fit your needs, you can either create new custom roles or adapt the default permissions. Let's have a look how to do this.

Create Custom Roles

For specific purposes, you may need to further restrict permissions or grant additional privileges by creating custom roles.

Custom roles can be created in the lower section of the Team settings within the workspace.

In the Roles section, you will also find all the current roles existing within a workspace.

  • Click 'Add Role' to open a dialogue window to create a new Role.
  • Once you've named the new custom role, you can enable or disable specific actions and permissions to suit your needs. 


Adapt Existing Default or Custom Roles

By clicking on the eye icon of an existing role, a window opens which allows you to edit the current permissions.