On Limecraft Workspace, you can create groups of clips to work more efficiently with related content. This feature allows you to easily locate related clips at a glance, saving you valuable time. 

Create a Group of Clips

Follow these easy steps to create a group of clips.

  • Select the clips that you want to group.
  • Select "Group clips" in the actions selector (...)

Limecraft screenshot showing how to group clips.

  • The following window will allow you to set a name for the group. 

Limecraft screenshot showing how to select a name for the group.

View Clips in a Group

You can easily view all clips in the same group via the library clip actions and in the clip info details. 

Library clip actions

Limecraft screenshot showing how to see all clips in the same group.

Clip info

Limecraft screenshot showing where to find all clips in the same group in the clip info.