Limecraft Workspaces support thesauri to structure and error proof input of metadata. Using thesauri, you can control the allowed values for metadata fields. Thesauri are configured on the level of the account, making them readily available to each Workspace associated with the account via the workspace settings. 

In this article, you will learn how to use thesauri that have been made available at account level. To activate thesauri on the level of the Workspace, you need Production Admin permissions or higher. 

How to Activate a Thesaurus in a Workspace?

To activate a thesaurus in a workspace, you need to create a custom metadata field via the Clip Metadata section in Workspace Settings.

Picture showing how to create a new custom field in order to select a thesaurus in the clip metadata settings of Limecraft Workspace.

Assuming the Thesaurus you want to activate has been made available by the Account Admin, it will be featured as an option in the dropdown of available custom field types.

Picture showing how to select a thesaurus in the clip metadata configuration of Limecraft Workspace.

What is the Effect of using a Thesaurus?

The values of the Thesaurus become available as a allowed values for the associated metadata field in the clip details. An autocomplete function helps the user to efficiently select the right value. As the allowed values are restricted to the values in the thesaurus, the method of using thesauri to assist in metadata collection is a solid way of data quality control.

Picture showing how to use the custom fields driven by a thesaurus in the clip metadata fields.

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