Limecraft Workspaces allow the use of thesauri as a specific type of custom metadata fields. When selecting a thesaurus, it will pre-populate the allowed values of the metadata field with the contents of the thesaurus. When configured on the level of the account, thesauri are readily available in each workspace linked to the account via the workspace settings.  

In this article you will learn how to create thesauri at the account level. This automatically makes them accessible for each workspace associated with the account, as discussed in this article.

Note: to create a thesaurus, you need to have Account Admin permissions. 

1. Create a Thesaurus

You can create a thesaurus using the following easy steps:

  • Go to account settings of your Limecraft subscription
  • Select 'Thesauri'
  • Click 'Add thesaurus'
  • Fill in Label and Confirm

Limecraft screenshot illustrating how you can make available a thesaurus via the account settings.

Picture how to set up a thesaurus with a Label or a name in Limecraft Workspace.

2. Populate a Thesaurus

To add entries to a Thesaurus, from the overview, click on the Thesaurus you would like to edit and click 'Add Entry'

Picture how to add entries in your thesaurus in the account settings of Limecraft Workspace.

At this point, you can either add a reference to an externally thesaurus in the 'Value' field, or you can add a human readable label in the 'Label' field. In the latter case you leave the 'Value' empty, Limecraft will add a generic unique identifier.

Picture how to fill out an entry for a thesaurus.

As a result of this operation, the Thesaurus has now an additional node.

Picture of a completed entry in a thesaurus of Limecraft Workspace.

Related Articles

  • Using a Thesaurus in a Workspace to Populate the Values of a Metadata Field