Limecraft automatically turns spoken words in broadcast-grade subtitles in minutes. Using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), the services takes care of the spotting. Spotting rules are pre-configurable, thus allowing you to save up to 80% of your time.

How to use AI assisted Subtitling? 

Before you begin, we advice to create and review the transcript using the AI transcription app as explained here

More information and best practices on AI transcription on our blog: Getting started with AI Transcription

Once happy with the transcript, open the Subtitle Editor as shown below. 

Picture showing Limecraft Subtitle Editor application. Picture showing Limecraft Subtitle Editor application.

  • Select language
  • Choose the first option to take the text from the existing transcript and generate timing via spotting rules. 
  • Select a subtitle preset if applicable.

When you have made your selection click 'Generate' to start the process of creating subtitles. 

Picture showing a subtitle editor application working on an AI subtitling task on Limecraft Workspace.  

Depending on the length of the material, automatic subtitling can take a while. You can close the page while waiting and the workflow continues at the background. 

When the subtitles are ready, they are shown on the right side of the screen in the subtitle panel when opening the Subtitle Editor as shown below.

Notice that the controls at the bottom of the screen change to the Subtitle Editor controls. 

Translate your subtitles into other localised version as explained in this article.

Note: It is also possible to start automatic subtitling without using the Transcript Editor first to create a transcript. Behind the scenes a transcript is first created and then subtitles. 

When the subtitles are ready, the first step is to do a quality control and further refine and edit the subtitles. 

Read about how to edit subtitles here.

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