Limecraft provides AI-powered transcription with exceptionally high accuracy, even in challenging audio conditions, non-native speech, or heavy dialects. However, if you require perfect accuracy—such as when preparing subtitles—it is often necessary to review and refine the automatically generated transcript.

This guide walks you through the step-by-step process of post-editing a transcript using the Limecraft Transcript Editor.


Before you Begin

Note: To use the Limecraft Transcript Editor, it must be enabled on your workspace, and you need the appropriate permissions to edit transcripts.

Activate Edit Mode

Before you can edit a transcript, you must switch from 'View' to 'Edit' mode. This unlocks advanced editing options in both the upper and lower toolbars. You can now also edit text directly within the transcript pane.

Limecraft Gif showing how to toggle from View mode to Edit mode in the upper toolbar of the Transcript Editor.

There are several ways to quickly navigate to a specific area of interest in the Transcript Editor.

  • In View mode, simply click on a word, and the player will jump to the corresponding timecode.
  • In Edit mode, use Ctrl + cursor (Windows) or Cmd + cursor (Mac) to achieve the same result.
  • Alternatively, place the cursor in the desired location and click the Play button in the lower toolbar.
  • Use the play/pause buttons in the lower toolbar to speed or slow down the playback speed. 
  • Use the arrow buttons in the lower toolbar to move forward or backwards in the video.
  • Press Shift + arrow to move one frame forward or backwards.

Limecraft gif demonstrating how to navigate a clip and transcript with the edit tools in the lower toolbar.

Make Small Edits Using the Highlight Confidence Feature

Start by making small corrections directly in the text. You can fix punctuation, add missing words, or replace incorrect words.

To speed up this process, use the Highlight Confidence feature. 

  • Click the Highlight Confidence button to highlight words with a low confidence score. 
  • These highlights indicate where the AI transcriber is uncertain about accuracy, helping you quickly identify and correct potential errors.

Limecraft screenshot showing the transcript editor and highlight confidences in the upper toolbar. This can be used to quickly highlight words that have a lower confidence score to quickly spot errors and make fast corrections.

Correct Larger Text Areas with the Edit Box

In case you need to update or edit larger fragments of text, you can use the Edit Box in the lower toolbar:

  1. Select the text you want to modify.
  2. Click the pen icon in the lower toolbar.
  3. An Edit Box opens, allowing you to safely adjust the text while preserving timecodes and the alignment with the video.

The in and out time of the selection remain intact, while the word-level time codes are interpolated upon confirmation.

Tip: The wider the selection, the higher the risk of misalignment in timing, so best is to keep edits as specific as possible. As a rule of thumb, we recommend to edit sentence per sentence.

Limecraft screenshot showing the transcript editor and using the editing box to make larger edits saely without missing the timecodes by selecting the text fragment, clicking on a pen icon and editing the text in the dialog. 

Adjust Timing 

If you notice that the timing of words or paragraphs is incorrect, you can manually adjust the time codes:

  1. Select the text that requires adjustment.
  2. Click the clock icon in the lower toolbar.
  3. An Edit Timing dialog appears, displaying the in and out timecodes.
  4. Use the arrow buttons to fine-tune the timing or enter the correct values manually.

Limecraft screenshot showing how to adjust the timing by selecting the text fragment in the editor, clicking on the clock icon to open a dialog where the time can be adapted with the arrows or manually.

Add and Edit Speakers 

Limecraft’s AI transcription automatically detects speaker segmentation, identifying when a new speaker begins and keeping track of which paragraphs belong to which speaker.

By default, speakers are labelled S1, S2, S3, etc., while UU is used when the system is uncertain about the speaker’s gender.

If needed, you can easily edit speaker segmentation and update speaker names to improve accuracy. Here’s how.

Add a Speaker

  1. Place the cursor where the paragraph should be split.
  2. Click to the left of the transcription pane to add a speaker.
  3. Enter or edit the speaker's name.

Limecraft Gif demonstrating how to add a speaker in a transcript.

Edit Speaker Names in the Transcript Editor 

  1. Place the cursor on the speaker's name.
  2. Remove the existing name and replace it with the correct one.
  3. A dropdown list will suggest previously saved speaker names for the clip.

Limecraft screenshot showing how to adapt the speaker names in the transcript editor.

Editing Speaker Names Across the Transcript

Limecraft’s 'Edit Speakers' functionality allows you to update a speaker’s name across all instances within a clip in one go. 

  1. Click 'Edit Speakers' in the upper toolbar to open the Edit Speakers dialog.
  2. Change the speaker’s name and save – all paragraphs with this speaker will be updated.
  3. Click 'Next Paragraph' to confirm changes for this speaker.
  4. Use the grey arrow to move to the next speaker and adjust their name if needed.

Limecraft screenshot showing how to correct a speaker name across the transcript.

Mark the Transcript as Complete

Once you have finished editing, it is recommended to Mark the Transcript as Complete. This helps keep track of your progress and allows filters and search functions to identify:

  • Clips that still require editing.
  • Clips with completed transcriptions.

Additionally, custom workflows can be configured to use the Mark Complete action as a trigger for further processing. By default and without further configuration, "Mark Compete" doesn't have a specific effect. Custom workflows, such as sending a notification, or sending the transcript to a specific destination, must be configured by your workspace admin before becoming effective.

Limecraft screenshot showing how to set the status of the clip for transcript completed by clickin on the 'Mark Complete' button in the right upper corner of the editor.

By following these steps, you can efficiently refine transcripts in Limecraft while ensuring accuracy and maintaining proper synchronisation with your video content.