How to download clips or collections from Flow or Edge
In Flow, you can only download one file at a time. This is due to the fact that Flow runs in a browser. In Edge, it's possible to download a whole collection at once.
1. Download from Flow
Go to the collection of the clip and select the clip you want to download. Click on the three dots and a menubar will open up.

Select 'download' and choose the format you want to download.

Your files will be downloaded into your download folder.
NOTE: It's not possible to download multiple files at a time in Flow due to the fact Flow runs in a browser. If you want to download more than one file you'll have to work with Limecraft Edge (see below).
2. Download from Edge
In Edge you can download more files at a time. Open Edge and select "download" in menubar on the left.

Choose the collection of which you want to download files from and select the files.

Once you selected the files, you'll have to choose a destination folder.

Click 'download' to start and your files will be downloaded to your chosen destination folder.