Limecraft allows you to import existing subtitles in various formats. This allows you to edit and translate the subtitles, as well as render subtitles with Limecraft. Read further to learn how to import a subtitle file.
Limecraft supports several subtitle formats such as SRT, STL, CAP, PAC, SCC, WEBVTT and TTD (XML).
How to Import an Existing Subtitle File?
1. Open the subtitle editor by clicking on the clip and the Subtitle Editor icon.

2. Indicate the primary language of the existing subtitles.
3. Select "OPEN an existing SRT/STL subtitle file" and select the file.
4. Select a Subtitle Preset that you want to use (optional). This will define the styling and timing rules for your subtitles.
5. Select advanced options to further refine and improve your subtitles. Advanced options include speaker segmentation, shot alignment of the subtitles, frame rate alignment and offset as well as removing empty subtitles. Check the related article for further details.
You can select one or more of the advanced options a) while importing the subtitle file or b) to refine the subtitles after the file is imported.
a) Select advanced options while importing the subtitle file.
NOTE: The option to remove blank subtitles is only available while importing the subtitle file as shown above and not with the advanced options after importing the subtitles.
b) Refine the subtitles with advanced options after they have been imported.
Click the dropdown list on the upper right corner of the subtitle pane to make use of the advanced options.
Read more about the advanced subtitling option in this Knowledge Base article.
Text and timecodes are supported. Other markup such as color or position are not supported, but these can be configured with the help of subtitle presets.