Limecraft allows you to create broadcast-grade subtitles using best-in class speech transcription and a specialised subtitling spotting algorithm. In case you want to publish video with open captions (or "burned-in" subtitles), you can create and export a version of the clip with encoded or burned-in subtitles. In cases where you want more control over the styling, you can as well export the subtitles as a file and using Adobe Premiere Pro for encoding the subtitles. This article explains how.

Closed captions (subtitles that can be switched on or off) offer many benefits over open captions (subtitles burned in and thus always on), such as the ability to select a specific language or styling. However, in some cases you may want to burn subtitles into the video, for example in case of distribution on social networks. 

To do so, you can either use Limecraft to create and export video with burned in subtitles, or you can import the subtitle file in SRT or EBU STL format into Adobe Premiere Pro, e.g. in case you need more flexibility or different styling. This article is a step by step manual on how to use Adobe Premiere Pro for burning in subtitles.

Firstly, you need to export your subtitles from Flow. Go to the clip in question and open the Subtitle Editor. There, choose 'Export subtitles'. We recommend exporting the subtiltes as EBU STL format, as it ensures consistent layout and styling features. 

Next, open Adobe Premiere Pro and import the STL file like any other clip. Be sure to make a note of the video clip size. 

Screenshot fragment illustrating how to import a subtitle file

Convert the file to open captions by using control/right-click on the subtitle asset > Modify > Captions...

Screenshot illustrating how to import subtitle files in Adobe Premiere Pro

The next step is irreversible, so you might want to make a backup of this clip before proceeding. Once you've done that, change the standard to 'Open captions' and change the video settings so they match the video.

Screenshot illustrating how to create video with open captions in Adobe Premiere Pro

After that, we need to format the captions. Double click on the subtitles clip in the project panel. The captions panel will open. You can now use shift-select captions so that changes are applied to all subtitles or change individual blocks.

Screenshot illustrating how to edit subtitles in Adobe Premiere Pro

Then, we can reposition the subtitle timeline. In the timeline panel, create a marker at the same timecode. 

Screenshot illustrating how to edit subtitles in Adobe Premiere Pro

Position the subtitles clip at the first subtitle in marker.

Screenshot illustrating how to edit subtitles using Adobe Premiere Pro

The only thing left to do now is to export the subtitles. Ensure that you burn in the captions when doing so. 

Screenshot fragment illustrating how to export video with burned-in subtitles using Adobe Premiere Pro